Part 2: The History of Search Engines from 1999-2002

Part 2: The History of Search Engines from 1999-2002

The history of search engines is a fascinating topic, and the period from 1999 to 2002 saw some of the most significant developments and changes in the industry. In this article, we will take a closer look at the history of search engines during this time period, focusing on the three major players: Google, Yahoo, and MSN.


The Chapter of Google from 1999-2002 is a story of innovation, growth, and the rise of one of the most important and influential companies in the world. Google was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University. The company was created to develop a search engine that would use a new algorithm, called PageRank, to rank web pages based on their relevance to a user’s query.

In its early days, Google was a small startup operating out of a garage in Menlo Park, California. However, it quickly gained traction and by the end of 1999, it had become the leading search engine on the internet, with a market share of around 60%. This was largely due to the effectiveness of its PageRank algorithm, which was able to deliver more relevant and useful search results than its competitors.

In 1999, Google received its first significant funding, a $25 million investment from Sequoia Capital. With this new capital, the company was able to expand its operations and hire more employees.

In 2000, Google introduced its AdWords program, which allowed businesses to place targeted ads alongside search results. This was a major innovation and would become one of the company’s main sources of revenue in the coming years. Google AdWords is still a powerful tool utilized today, 23 years later.

In 2001, Google continued to grow at a rapid pace. The company launched its first international version,, in Germany, and introduced its image search function. Additionally, Google’s market share in the search engine market surpassed 80%. This rapid growth caught the attention of other tech giants in the industry, like Yahoo and AOL, who had been struggling to compete with Google’s innovative technology.

In 2002, Google went public with an initial public offering (IPO) on August 19. The IPO was a huge success, raising $1.67 billion and valuing the company at over $23 billion. This made it one of the most successful IPOs in history and solidified Google’s position as a major player in the technology industry.

Throughout 2002, Google continued to expand its services and features. The company introduced Google News, a service that aggregated news stories from around the web, and Google Images, which allowed users to search for and view images on the internet. Additionally, the company released a number of new international versions of its search engine, including in France and in Japan.

The company also made several acquisitions during this time period, including the purchase of Pyra Labs, the creator of the popular blog platform Blogger, and Deja News, a Usenet archive. These acquisitions helped to further diversify Google’s offerings and solidify its position as a leader in the technology industry.

By the end of 2002, Google’s market share in the search engine market had surpassed 90%, and the company had become a household name. The company’s innovative technology and user-focused approach had revolutionized the way people searched for information on the internet, and it had set the stage for continued growth and success in the years to come.


The history of Google from 1998-2002 is a story of innovation, growth, and the rise of one of the most important and influential companies in the world. The company’s innovative technology, user-focused approach and smart acquisition strategy helped it become the leading search engine and set the stage for continued growth and success in the years to come.


Yahoo was one of the first major search engines on the internet, and during the period of 1998-2002, it was one of the most popular websites in the world. The company was founded in 1995 by Jerry Yang and David Filo, and it quickly grew to become a major player in the internet search market.

In 1998, Yahoo launched its own search engine, which was a significant step for the company. Prior to this, Yahoo had been using the search technology of other companies, such as Inktomi and AltaVista. The launch of its own search engine allowed Yahoo to have more control over the search results, and it also allowed the company to begin collecting data on users’ search queries.

By 1999, Yahoo’s search engine had grown significantly in popularity, and the company was receiving over 1 billion search queries per month. This was a major milestone for the company, and it solidified Yahoo’s position as one of the top search engines on the internet.

In 2000, Yahoo made a major acquisition when it purchased Overture Technologies, a company that specialized in pay-per-click advertising. This acquisition allowed Yahoo to begin offering paid advertising on its search results, which was a significant source of revenue for the company.

In 2001, Yahoo launched the Yahoo Search Marketing Platform, which was a tool for advertisers to manage their pay-per-click campaigns. This platform allowed advertisers to target their ads to specific keywords and geographic locations, which greatly increased the effectiveness of their campaigns.

By 2002, Yahoo’s search engine had continued to grow in popularity, and the company was receiving over 2 billion search queries per month. This was a significant increase from the 1 billion search queries per month that the company was receiving in 1999, and it demonstrated the continued growth and success of Yahoo’s search engine.


Yahoo’s search history from 1999-2002 was a time of significant growth and development for the company. The launch of its own search engine in 1998, the acquisition of Overture Technologies in 2000, and the launch of the Yahoo Search Marketing Platform in 2001 were all major milestones for the company. Additionally, the fact that Yahoo’s search engine was receiving over 2 billion search queries per month by 2002 demonstrated the continued popularity and success of the company’s search engine.


MSN, or Microsoft Network, was a popular internet service provider and web portal that was launched in 1995 by Microsoft. In the period of 1999-2002, MSN experienced significant growth and development, becoming a major player in the internet market. In this article, we will take a look at some of the key events and statistics from MSN’s history during this period.

1999: MSN Launches MSN Hotmail

In 1999, MSN launched MSN Hotmail, a web-based email service that quickly became one of the most popular email services on the internet. At the time of its launch, MSN Hotmail had over 8 million registered users, and by 2002, the number of registered users had grown to over 100 million. This demonstrated the popularity and success of MSN Hotmail, which was a significant source of revenue for MSN.

In 2000, MSN launched MSN Messenger, a instant messaging service that was integrated with MSN Hotmail. MSN Messenger allowed users to communicate with each other in real-time, and it quickly became one of the most popular instant messaging services on the internet. By 2002, MSN Messenger had over 20 million active users, and it was one of the most widely used instant messaging services in the world.

In 2001, MSN launched MSN Music, a music streaming service that allowed users to listen to music online. MSN Music had a large library of songs from various artists, and it also offered users the ability to purchase songs and download them to their computer. MSN Music was well received by the users, and it was considered as one of the best music streaming services of that time.

In 2002, MSN launched MSN Search, a search engine that was designed to compete with other popular search engines such as Google and Yahoo. MSN Search used the technology of Inktomi, a company that Microsoft had acquired in 2000. MSN Search was not as popular as other search engines, but it still managed to gain a significant market share, with about 5% of search queries in 2002.


The period of 1999-2002 was a time of significant growth and development for MSN. The launch of MSN Hotmail, MSN Messenger, MSN Music, and MSN Search were all major milestones for the company. These services were well-received by users and had a significant impact on the internet market. The statistics such as over 100 million registered users on MSN Hotmail, over 20 million active users on MSN Messenger, and 5% of search queries on MSN Search demonstrate the popularity and success of these services. MSN was considered as one of the top internet providers of that time, and it was a major player in the internet market.

Yahoo’s Missed Oppourtunity

Yahoo! had the opportunity to purchase Google twice, 1998 as a startup and in 2002 as a fully functional search engine.

In 1998, the founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, offered to sell their company to Yahoo for $1 million, but Yahoo refused the offer. This decision proved to be a mistake as Google rapidly became successful under the leadership of Page and Brin. Had Yahoo acquired Google, it is unlikely that the company would have become the success it is today and likely would’ve been another behemoth conquered by complacency. Some figures show that over 90% of all online searches are done through a google search box.

In 2002, Yahoo had another opportunity to purchase Google, as the company had grown even more valuable. However, Yahoo CEO, Terry Semel, refused to pay Google’s asking price of $5 billion and missed out on the chance to acquire the company. As of January 16, 2020, Google’s parent company, Alphabet, became the fourth-largest tech company with a market capitalization of over $1 trillion, making Yahoo’s missed opportunities even more notable.

Today, Google and its parent company Alphabet boast a market capitalization of more than $1.12 trillion.

1999-2002 in Summary

In conclusion, the years 1999 to 2002 were a crucial period in the history of search engines and the boom. Google’s introduction of the Google Ads, Google Toolbar and PageRank algorithm, along with Yahoo’s acquisition of Inktomi, and Microsoft’s launch of MSN Search, were major milestones in the development of search engines and the big 3 were off to the race. These developments made searching the internet more convenient and accurate, and set the stage for the continued dominance of Google in the search engine market. The era also marks a missed opportunity for the former behemoth Yahoo! to acquire Google in its startup years. What would the web look like today if they would have? Would the complacent thinking that led to the demise of yahoo of hindered the incredible success and growth of Google? Interesting questions to think about.